About Me
Hey Y’all! My name is Macie.

I have been contemplating starting a blog for many years but didn’t have the courage. The last ten years I have been working in Yellowstone National Park. I love working there but I also feel that now is the time to share the hope and strength that I have gained through my faith during my lifelong struggle with anxiety and depression.
The purpose of this blog is to help people have a stronger relationship with Christ. Some of you may be returning to your faith after straying, others may be seeking the truth for the first time. All are welcome here. Posts will include deeper Bible study, word studies, people studies, and applying the Bible to music of all genres.
I am not a great theologian, I am an average person just like you who has been called to share my journey and faith with the world. Some posts may have more technical/academic information but my goal is that through that the daily application will come through.