
Fear-The Stealer of Dreams

Today I want to start a series on fear. This first post will deal with what fear is and how it impacts us.

Fear Defined

The word fear can be used as either a noun or a verb but the basic meaning in both forms remains the same. Merriam-Webster defines fear as “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.” The Lexham Theological Wordbook defines fear as “[including] anxiety, dread, and loss of courage in the face of an unpleasant or dangerous situation.” When faced with things that cause fear the natural human reaction is to run but in the end this does us no good. Fear holds us back from our destiny. There are times when a feeling of fear serves as a warning and can help keep us from doing something incredibly stupid. We all have fears sometimes referred to as phobias. For example some are terrified of spiders, or enclosed spaces, or heights. These fears are normal, though they can be overcome with time and patience. As we continue with this series we will be focusing on the fear that comes when faced with the unknown or when faced with a calling that is terrifying.

My Fears

Just like you I have faced many fears in my life. Starting this blog was a big one that kept me from acting on my big dreams for a very long time. Fear convinced me that I couldn’t do something or that no one will want to hear what I have to say when I try. I’ve contemplated starting a blog to share my personal journey of faith, loss and reconnecting but have been terrified what others would think when they read my story. But regardless of what others may think this is what I have experienced, and I cannot hide it any longer. Along with this I am terrified of failure or being less than perfect but all this has done is keep me from trying. How about you is there something that you have wanted to do that you are afraid of? In part two we will look at what the Bible has to say about fear.

Next Post:

Fear – Biblically Speaking

Fear Is A Liar

Fear – Overcoming It

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